It is a hanging system for installing different types of cladding such as natural stone, phenolic resin boards, Dekton, Corian, polymer concrete, fiber cement and others. It is a suitable system for large-format cladding in hidden placement.
Cladding thicknesses from 8 mm may be used depending on the type of material. The system is made up of vertical T or C profiles that are anchored to the support wall by means of brackets and other continuous horizontal profiles fixed to the first ones. The aluminum bushings are hung on this horizontal profile where the screws that anchor the plates are located. These screws will differ depending on the type of plate.
The minimum horizontal joint of the cladding will be the minimum recommended by the manufacturer of the plates, not depending on the anchoring system. The system allows the horizontal or vertical locking of the plates, being suitable for lost joint or free length formats.
Contact our Technical Department and we will advise you on choosing the most suitable profiling system for your needs.